Speaking Engagements

Looking for someone to ignite your crowd and provide tremendous insights at your next conference or event? Look no further.


Speaking Engagements

When you walk away from a talk, you want to feel empowered, motivated, and ready to succeed.

As an expert in facilitating emotions, I work hard to connect with audience members to elicit powerful responses. Whether it’s a small, intimate group with a few members or a large crowd with hundreds of spectators, my approach is adapted to meet the needs of the event and to bring out the best in each person. The underlying theme with each of my talks falls into three categories: Seeing, Believing, and Achieving.


It can be hard creating a vision for what it is you want in life. Imagining the places you want to go to, the events you want to do, and the career you want to have is actually a skill.

Some people can easily daydream what they want while others struggle thinking about the future. I love tapping into this skill and helping audience members practice seeing their future. The first step in achieving your dreams is to have a dream. 

Mental imagery is a powerful tool that can help you envision what you want in life. By utilizing this specific exercise in speaking engagements, I not only make the talk more engaging but also help empower the audience members. Tapping into all your senses and envisioning what you want in life primes your brain into creating the neural pathways that will help you actually achieve your dreams.


Once you have a vision of what you want, the next step is believing you can fulfill that vision.

One way to kickstart the self-belief process is writing down exactly how you will achieve your dreams. Putting your vision down onto paper solidifies your dreams. Similarly to mental imagery, goal setting is also a skill. I motivate the audience to believe in themselves by showing them how to take something overwhelming and break it down into smaller, specific parts. I do this by using personal examples of failure and triumph. I keep the learning process fun through storytelling and comedy. 

Another aspect of believing in yourself is analyzing how you talk to yourself. What we say to ourselves matters. We often become our own worse enemies—telling ourselves we can’t do something. Self-doubt, fear, and anxiety take hostage of our brains and excuses flood to the forefront of why we didn’t choose to chase after our dreams. Talking positively to yourself is a major communication skill that often gets overlooked in chasing after our dreams. I enjoy demonstrating this skill through on-stage activities with volunteers from the audience members. By identifying what you say to yourself and learning how to challenge negative self-talk, you start to develop communication skills that instill self-belief.


The third and final step to fulfilling your dreams is actually going out there and doing it.

By “it” I mean accomplishing the smaller steps that lead to the big picture dream. The truth about this stage is that it constantly requires stepping outside of your comfort zone. And stepping outside of your comfort zone is uncomfortable. But when you do this, your brain actually grows and new neural pathways are formed. By focusing on the process and stepping outside of your comfort zone, you start to develop a growth mindset. This growth mindset helps you achieve your dreams. 

By focusing on the process and maintaining the motivation and perseverance to work through obstacles, your dreams become a reality. This requires hard work. You must realize that every day isn’t going to be a great day. There will be ups and downs and learning how to navigate this emotional roller coaster is key in staying focused on the process. You must be willing to learn about yourself in order to know how to overcome mental obstacles. Cress Counseling & Consultation Services offer speaking engagements that empower audience members to tap into this self-exploration process.